Wednesday, May 9, 2018

May 8th

This week's Bible story is the story of Jesus' Ascension.
From The Beginner's Bible:
Jesus Goes Home (Matthew 28/Act 1)

Jesus led his friends to a place near Bethany. He lifted his hands up and blessed them. "Tell other people about me," he said. Then he went up into the sky. A cloud hid him, so his friends could not see him. They stood looking up into the sky for a long time. 
All of a sudden, two angels stood beside them. "Why are you still looking into the sky?" the angels asked. "Jesus has gone up to heaven. Someday he will come back the same way you saw him leave." Then the friends went back to the city with joy in their hearts.
Jesus had taught them many things. They would always remember that he said, "Do not worry or be afraid. Trust in God and trust in me. In God's house there are many rooms. I will go to make a place ready for you. Someday I will come back and take you with me so you can be where I am."

This weeks activities will include:
*Painting caterpillars and butterflies
*Creating the Bible story for our board
* Rainbow cereal activities
*Counting and stamping 10 butterflies
*Using scissors to cut rainbow paper
*Learning new finger plays for May
*Creating a rainbow collage

Check out the fun we had today:

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