Friday, September 29, 2017

September 29th

This week's Bible story is a continuation of the story of Noah.

Genesis 7:1-15

When the boat was finished, God told Noah and his family to go into the boat. In went his sons Shen, Ham, and Japheth. In went their wives and Mrs. Noah. 
"Now bring tow of every animal," God told Noah. Noah did exactly what God told him to do. And God watched over him.

The story of Noah helps the children learn:
That God asks us to do things and we should listen, just as Noah listened to God.

Here are a few of the activities planned for this week:
*Introduction of new color, number and shape
*Painting the first part of our take home project
*Matching animals 2 x 2
*Sorting mini-animals by color
*Counting 3 tools used to build the ark
*Working with animal lacing cards
*Using the hammer and tees
*Letter C in our ABC art book
*Making animal masks 
*Using stickers, markers and daubers 
on the first letters of our names

                                                   Enjoy our day in pictures: