Friday, September 30, 2016

September 30th

This week we begin our study of God's faithful servant, Noah.

Genesis 6:14-16
God told Noah to build a huge wooden boat called an ark. 
"Get some good strong wood to build the boat, and cover it inside and out with tar.  Put a roof on the top and build rooms inside. Put a door on one side. When the flood comes you will be safe."
Noah did as God said. People watched and wondered. They even laughed at him! Why was he building a boat so far from the sea?

A Song for Noah:
Sail, Sail, Sail the Ark

There are many learning activities to go along with the story of Noah. Here are a few that are planned for this week.

*Coloring the Ark
*Matching magnet animals
*Stamping raindrops for our Jesus time board
*Tracing an octagon
*Painting Noah
*Cutting straws
*Counting animals 2 by 2
*Continue work in our ABC Art book

Enjoy our day in pictures:

Using water colors to paint Noah

Cutting and gluing practice

Out door fun

Resting on the bench after running races on the field

Thursday, September 29, 2016

September 29th

This week we begin our study of God's faithful servant, Noah.

Genesis 6:14-16
God told Noah to build a huge wooden boat called an ark. 
"Get some good strong wood to build the boat, and cover it inside and out with tar.  Put a roof on the top and build rooms inside. Put a door on one side. When the flood comes you will be safe."
Noah did as God said. People watched and wondered. They even laughed at him! Why was he building a boat so far from the sea?

A Song for Noah:
Sail, Sail, Sail the Ark

There are many learning activities to go along with the story of Noah. Here are a few that are planned for this week.

*Coloring the Ark
*Matching magnet animals
*Stamping raindrops for our Jesus time board
*Tracing an octagon
*Painting Noah
*Cutting straws
*Counting animals 2 by 2
*Continue work in our ABC Art book

Enjoy our day in pictures:

Using watercolors to paint Noah

Free choice

Cutting and gluing with our color of the month

It felt like fall today! 

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

September 28th

This week we begin our study of God's faithful servant, Noah.

Genesis 6:14-16
God told Noah to build a huge wooden boat called an ark. 
"Get some good strong wood to build the boat, and cover it inside and out with tar.  Put a roof on the top and build rooms inside. Put a door on one side. When the flood comes you will be safe."
Noah did as God said. People watched and wondered. They even laughed at him! Why was he building a boat so far from the sea?

A Song for Noah:
Sail, Sail, Sail the Ark

There are many learning activities to go along with the story of Noah. Here are a few that are planned for this week.

*Coloring the Ark
*Matching magnet animals
*Stamping raindrops for our Jesus time board
*Tracing an octagon
*Painting Noah
*Cutting straws
*Counting animals 2 by 2
*Continue work in our ABC Art book

Enjoy our day in pictures:

Water coloring painting
Water, paint, paper
Getting the sequence makes all the difference:) 

Free Choice

Out door fun

 Today we were able to watch the 8th grade rocket launch. We had a lot of fun counting down and seeing the rockets fly