Friday, October 30, 2015

October 30th

This week's Bible story comes from 1 Samuel.
Hannah's Prayer
One day a woman named Hannah went to God's Holy Tent to pray. She asked God for a baby son. She promised God her son would work for Him all his life. Eli, the priest, saw her praying. He thought there was something wrong. Hannah told him she was very sad and talking to God about her troubles. Eli said, "May the Lord give you what you want." Hannah was not sad anymore.

Hannah's prayer ws answered. She had a baby boy and named him Samuel, which means "God heard". When Samuel was about three years old Hannah took him to Eli, the priest, at the Holy Tent. Hannah loved Samuel very much. Every year she made him a new coat.

This week's planned activities include:
*Washing, cleaning and carving pumpkins
*Placing stickers on small circles
*Coloring praying hands
*Cutting fall colored paper
*Stamping and counting 3 fall leaves
*Taking a nature walk
*Using a needle and thread 
*Pumpking counting folder games
*Color matching circles

Enjoy our day in pictures:

Morning painting

Exploring the sensory table

Free Choice

coloring our "families"

Happy Halloween 
dauber paper

"What's in there?"

Indoor recess in 
Mrs. Schenck's room

Thursday, October 29, 2015

October 29th

This week's Bible story comes from 1 Samuel.
Hannah's Prayer
One day a woman named Hannah went to God's Holy Tent to pray. She asked God for a baby son. She promised God her son would work for Him all his life. Eli, the priest, saw her praying. He thought there was something wrong. Hannah told him she was very sad and talking to God about her troubles. Eli said, "May the Lord give you what you want." Hannah was not sad anymore.

Hannah's prayer ws answered. She had a baby boy and named him Samuel, which means "God heard". When Samuel was about three years old Hannah took him to Eli, the priest, at the Holy Tent. Hannah loved Samuel very much. Every year she made him a new coat.

This week's planned activities include:
*Washing, cleaning and carving pumpkins
*Placing stickers on small circles
*Coloring praying hands
*Cutting fall colored paper
*Stamping and counting 3 fall leaves
*Taking a nature walk
*Using a needle and thread 
*Pumpking counting folder games
*Color matching circles

Enjoy our day in pictures:

Morning painting

Sorting colored bears

Free Choice

Coloring pumpkins with markers and gluing triangles to make faces

Illustrating Hannah's story

Out door fun