Wednesday, May 16, 2018

May 16th

This week's Bible story can be found in Acts 2:1-6.

The Holy Spirit comes to the believers

A few days after Jesus' ascension, on the day of Pentecost, all of Jesus' apostles met together in one place.
Suddenly there was a noise from heaven that sounded like a strong wind blowing. The noise filled the whole house. Then tongues that looked like fire appeared on each one. Everyone was filled with the Holy Spirit and could suddenly speak all kinds of different languages!
There were people in Jerusalem from many different countries, but they could all understand Jesus' apostles speak of the mighty works of God in their own language.

This week's activities will include:
*Pentecost crafts
*Rainbow treats
*Making a diamond shaped kite
*Making rainbows
*Trace a diamond
*Cutting and tearing paper to make a rainbow

Enjoy our day in pictures:

 Mr. Debrick was our guest reader today.
He read; Pete the Cat-Go Pete Go

Our special snack today:
Graham cracker, icing and M&M's
One of our favorite books is Pete the Cat and his Four Groovy Buttons 

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