Tuesday, December 6, 2016

December 6th

Merry Christmas!!

This week we continue our Christmas journey with Mary and Joseph taking their long journey to Bethlehem.

The Beginners Bible
The Most Special Baby

Now Mary loved a man named Joseph.
They were going to get married.
One day Joseph had to take a trip to the city of Bethlehem.
So Mary went with him.

The city of Bethlehem was crowded. 
Many people had come there.
Joseph and Mary looked for a place to stay.
But there was no room in any house.
All the beds were full.
People were even sleeping on the floor.
So Joseph and Mary had to stay in a stable
where the donkeys and horses stayed.

Here are a few a the activities planned for this week:
*Finger painting a donkey
* Using water colors to paint a picture showing 
"No room"
*Beading pipe cleaner jingle bells
*Gluing 5 green triangles
*Work Christmas puzzles
*Free choice green picture painting
*Gluing sequins on Christmas tree
*Trace a triangle
*Place Christmas stickers on 1st letter of name
*Working together to make class Christmas trees

Check out the fun we had today:

Finger painting a gray donkey

Fun in the commons

Using colored pencils to decorate an ornament for our Christmas tree

Practicing our Christmas story
in the church

Painting green pictures
on the easel

Free choice

Decorating hand prints to make one of our class Christmas trees

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